Number and currency patterns

Number formats introduction

Pre-requisite topics to read:

Numbers are formatted using patterns, like “#,###.00”. For example, the pattern “#,###.00” when used to format the number 12345.678 could result in “12’345,67” if the grouping separator for your locale use an apostrophe (‘), and the decimal separator is a comma (,).

Whenever any of these symbols are in the English pattern, they must be retained in the pattern for your locale. The positions of some of them (%, ¤) may be changed, or spaces added or removed. The symbols will be replaced by the local equivalents, using the Number Symbols for your language. (See 💡 Helpful Tips below the table)

Type Example pattern Meaning
. #,##0 . 00 The decimal separator placeholder. In a computer program, this gets replaced automatically by the actual symbol used for the decimal point in your locale. Not a real period ; must be retained!
, # , ##0 . 00 The grouping (thousand) separator placeholder. In a computer program, this gets automatically replaced by the actual grouping separator in your language. Not a real comma ; must be retained!
0 #,## 0 .### The placeholder for the start of a whole number. In a computer program, this gets replaced by an actual digit (or a zero if there aren’t enough digits). Not a real zero(digit) ; must be retained!
# # , ## 0. ### The # symbols are place holders for placements of digits based on positions of digit separator. In a computer program, these would be replaced by actual digits. The main use of # is to show the placement of the “,” (grouping separator).
¤ ¤ #,## 0 .00 #,##0.00 ¤ The currency symbol placeholder. This placeholder indicates the position of the currency symbol (or currency code) and the beginning of the number #. In a computer program, this will be replaced by a currency symbol (e.g $) or code (e.g. USD). By C LDR default, a space gets added automatically depending on rules as defined in the spec TR35 Currency This space handling would be seen in a computer program ONLY w hen applicable as per the spec.
See 💡 Translation Tips below on when to add spacing ¤ # ,##0.### and not ¤# ,##0.###
% #,## 0 % This marks a percent format. The position of the % symbol would be locale specific and may appear in the front, back, with or without spacing. Not a real % ; must be retained!
E # E 0 This marks a scientific format. The E symbol may change position. Must be retained.
See German example:
0 Mio’.’ ¤
If any of the above characters are used as literal characters, they must be quoted with ASCII single quotes. This is mostly used in Compact Number formatting with abbreviations.
For example, in a Short Numbers if a period needs to be used to mark an abbreviation, it would appear as:
0.0 tis’.’
0.0 tis.
…;… #,##0.###;#,##0.###-

#,##0.00¤ ; ( #,##0.00¤ )

#,##0 % ; #,##0 - % .
If your language expresses negative numbers in a format other than adding “-“ at the front, you can put in two patterns, separated by a semicolon with no space.

- The first format before the “;” will be used to indicate the formatting for zero and positive values.
- The second format after the “;” will be used to indicate the formatting for negative values.
- For accounting-currency, a “ - “ is not required to indicate the negative pattern.

Also see 💡 Translation Tips below

💡 Translation Tips


Types of Number Patterns

There are four general-purpose number patterns supported in CLDR: decimal, currency, percent, and scientific.

Remember that the “.” and “,” are placeholders and do not mean the literal characters: computer programs that use CLDR will change them to the right number symbols for your language as explained in the section above.

The currency formats have two types (standard and accounting); each of these may have up to two additional alternate forms (-alphaNextToNumber, -noCurrency) as descibed in the table below.

Type English Example Meaning
currency (standard) ¤#,##0.00 Used for currency values. The currency symbol (¤) will be replaced by the appropriate currency symbol for whatever currency is being formatted. The choice of whether to use the international currency symbols (USD, EUR, JAY, RUB,…) or localized symbols ($, €, ¥, руб.,…) is up to the application program that uses CLDR. Note: the number of decimals will be set by programs that use CLDR to whatever is appropriate for the currency, so do not change them; Keep exactly 2 decimals in place.
currency-alphaNextToNumber ¤ #,##0.00 Alternate currency format to be used when the currency symbol has alphabetic characters adjacent to the numeric part. Typically this just adds a non-breaking space between symbol and number if the the standard currency format does not already have a space. It is used to produc result such as “US$ 23.45” versus “$23.45”.
currency-noCurrency #,##0.00 Alternate currency format to be used for currency-style formats without the currency symbol. This format may be used, for example, in a table of values all for the same currency (in which repeating the symbol for each value is unnecessary).
currency-accounting ¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00) Used for currency formats in accounting contexts.
currency-accounting-alphaNextToNumber ¤ #,##0.00;(¤ #,##0.00) The -alphaNextToNumber variant of the accounting currency format.
currency-accounting-noCurrency #,##0.00;(#,##0.00) The -noCurrency variant of the accounting currency format.
Decimal #,##0.### Used for formatting general decimal numbers. The number of decimals will be set by programs that use CLDR, so don’t alter them. Typically the only change needed for this format is to the position of the thousands separator (see above 💡 Translation Tips ).
Percent #,##0% Used for percent values, such as 12%. The number of decimals will be set by programs that use CLDR, so don’t alter them.
Scientific #E0 Used for scientific notation. Typically not translated.

Miscellaneous Number Patterns

Code example Meaning
approximately ~{0} Used to indicate a number that is not exact represented by the placeholder {0}. This is used when an exact number is not required, like for example, to indicate the number of people who have commented on an article.
At least {0}+ Used to indicate a number that falls within a range with a known minimum , represented by the placeholder {0}. This is used when an exact number is not required, like for example, to indicate the number of people who have commented on an article.
At most ≤{0} Used to indicate a number that falls within a range with a known maxium , represented by the placeholder {0}. This is used when an exact number is not required, like for example, to indicate the number of people who have commented on an article.
Range {0}–{1} Used to indicate a range of numbers

Compact decimal formatting

There are also patterns for compact forms of numbers, such as the such as “1M” and “1 million”. These patterns may be substantially different across languages, as shown by comparing the English patterns to the Japanese patterns in the table below. These patterns also have plural categories.

The compact currency formats can have  an -alphaNextToNumber variant, as with the regular currency formats. Ther eis usually no need to provide a -noCurrency variant, since if that is not present the compact decimal formats will be used. However if those are not equivalent to what the noCurrency variant would be, then a separate -noCurrency variant of the ompact currency formats may be provided.

Code Meaning English Pattern English Formatted Example Japanese Pattern Japanese Formatted Example
4-digit-short-one (1000) 1 thousand = 1,000 0K 1K 0 (see translation tip below) 1
5-digit-short-one (10000) 10,000 00K 12K 0万 1万
6-digit-short-one (100000) 100,000 000K 123K 00万 12万
7-digit-short-one (1000000) 1,000,000 0.0M 1.2M 000万 123万
8-digit-short-one (10000000) 10,000,000 00M 12M 0000万 1234万
9-digit-short-one (100000000) 100,000,000 000M 123M 0億 1 億
10-digit-short-one (1000000000) 1,000,000,000 0B 1B 00億 12億
11-digit-short-one (10000000000) 10,000,000,000 00B 12B 000億 123億
12-digit-short-one (100000000000) 100,000,000,000 000B 123B 0000億 1234億
13-digit-short-one (1000000000000) 1,000,000,000,000 0T 1T 0兆 1兆
14-digit-short-one (10000000000000) 10,000,000,000,000 00T 12T 00兆 12兆
15-digit-short-one (100000000000000) 100,000,000,000,000 000T 123T 000兆 123兆

When computer programs use CLDR, the number of decimals can be changed by computer programs according to the task its designed for. For example, the pattern for 10,000 in the table below (00K for English, 0万 for Japanese) may be modified to have more or fewer decimals — it could be changed to have 3 digits of accuracy: 00.0K for English, 0.00万 for Japanese.

💡 Translation Tips

Plural Forms of Numbers

Some languages have multiple plural forms for numbers, and will have multiple plural categories for each number. See Plural Rules and Tool for numbers mapped to the various plural categories. 

X digit-one

X digit-two
